Achillize v. to harass or chase in a manner reminiscent of Achilles Eoan adj. of or pertaining to the dawn; eastern Niobe n. an inconsolably bereaved woman, a weeping woman Ralph n. the imp of mischief in a printing house abequitate v. to ride away abligurition n. excessive spending on food and drink aboulomania n. pathological indecisiveness abscotchalater n. one hiding from the police absquatulate v. to leave abruptly abuccinate v. to announce with a flourish of trumpets abulia n. an inability to act decisively acapnotic n. a nonsmoker accismus n. feigned disinterest in a desired object accubation n. the act or posture of reclining on a couch acersecomic n. a person whose hair has never been cut acetarious adj. used in salads acnestis n. that part of an animal’s skin that it cannot reach to scratch adaemonist n. one who denies the existence of the devil adjutorious adj. helpful adjuvant n. a person who helps or provides aid adlubescence n. pleasure or delight adoxography n. fine writing on a trivial subject advesperate v. to grow dark, to become night advolution n. a rolling toward aegrotat n. a note excusing a student’s sickness afterclap n. an unexpected repercussion afterwit n. knowledge gained too late to do any good agelast n. one who never laughs agerasia n. youthful appearance in an old person agnoiology n. the study of ignorance agrexophrenia n. inability to perform sexually due to fear of being overheard aidle v. “to earn one’s bread indifferently well” aimcrier n. a person who cries “Aim!” to an archer; an applauder or encourager aknee adj. on one’s knees akrasia n. weakness of will alabandical adj. barbarous, uncivilized aletude n. corpulency allorgasmia n. the need during sex to fantasize about a more desirable partner altrigenderism n. the state of development in which one becomes attracted to members of the opposite sex amatorculist n. a pitiful or insignificant lover ambilevous adj. “left-handed on both sides”; clumsy ambisinister adj. clumsy with both hands; having “two left hands” anacronym n. an acronym whose derivation few can remember analphabet n. one who cannot read anatiferous adj. producing ducks or geese anaxiphilia n. the act of falling in love with the wrong person andabatarian adj. struggling while blindfolded androphagous adj. eating men anemocracy n. a government by the wind annosity n. fullness of years, length of life, agedness anonymuncle n. a petty, anonymous writer anserine adj. of or resembling a goose antelucan adj. before dawn antichthon n. hypothetical second Earth on the opposite side of the sun antiscians n. people who live on the same meridian but on opposite sides of the equator, so that their shadows at noon fall in opposite directions antisocordist n. an opponent of sloth or stupidity antithalian adj. opposed to fun antivitruvian adj. taking pleasure in destroying architectural monuments apanthropy n. a love of solitude aphilanthropy n. a dislike of social intercourse (“want of love to mankind” — Johnson) apodyopsis n. the act of imagining a person naked apprecation n. a prayer or devout wish aprication n. basking in the sun apricity n. the warmth of the sun in winter aquabib n. a drinker of water artolater n. a worshiper of bread ascob n. a cocker spaniel of “any solid color other than black” aspectabund adj. having an expressive face astrologaster n. a foolish or petty astrologer auricomous adj. golden-haired aurigation v. the act or art of driving a chariot or coach avetrol n. a bastard babery n. finery to please a baby bablatrice n. a female babbler baculine adj. pertaining to punishment by flogging balatronic adj. pertaining to buffoons barbatulous adj. having a small beard barbermonger n. a vain man barr v. to utter an elephant’s cry basial adj. pertaining to kissing basorexia n. a craving to kiss bathycolpian adj. having deep cleavage batology n. the study of brambles battailous adj. ready for battle; warlike battologist n. one who repeats the same words needlessly battology n. tiresome repetition of words beblubbered adj. disfigured by weeping bechic n. a cough medicine bedrabble v. to make wet and dirty with rain and mud bedswerver n. one who breaks one’s marriage vows begrutten adj. having a face swollen from weeping belgard n. a sweet or loving look bellibone n. a remarkably beautiful and good woman bellytimber n. food, provisions bemissionary v. to annoy with missionaries bemute v. to drop dung on from above benedick n. a newly married man bibliotaph n. a hoarder of books blaguer n. one who talks pretentiously blatteroon n. a senseless babbler or boaster boanthropy n. the delusion that one is an ox borborygmus n. rumbling noise in the intestines brabble v. to quarrel about trifles breedbate n. one who seeks an argument brephophagist n. one who eats babies brumal adj. wintry bubulcitate v. to cry like a cowboy bunnikin n. an early flower cacoepy n. incorrect pronunciation cacographic adj. badly written or spelled cacography n. poor spelling cacozelia n. the use of rare or foreign words to appear learned cagamosis n. marital unhappiness calamistrate v. to curl the hair caliginosity n. darkness callipygous adj. having beautiful buttocks calvity n. baldness capitose adj. large-headed carfax n. a place where four roads meet cark v. to worry cavillation n. the raising of quibbles cejijunto n. a person with one long continuous eyebrow chantpleure v. to sing and weep at the same time charrette n. a final, intensive effort to finish a project before a deadline chichevache n. an emaciated monster said to feed on patient wives chiminage n. a toll for passage through a forest chirography n. one’s own handwriting or autograph; a style or character of writing cicisbeo n. the escort or lover of a married woman cingulomania n. a desire to hold another in one’s arms circumforaneous adj. wandering from house to house circummure v. to wall round clancular adj. secret, private clarigation n. a recital of wrongs before declaring war claustrophilia n. the liking of small, enclosed spaces clerisy n. learned persons as a class; intelligentsia clinomania n. an excessive desire to stay in bed clipsome adj. fit to be embraced coenaculous adj. loving supper cohonestation n. honouring with one’s company commorient adj. dying together or at the same time conclamant adj. crying out together consenescence n. the growing old together conticent adj. keeping silence, silent contrist v. to make sad crassitude n. gross ignorance or stupidity crinicultural adj. caring for the condition or appearance of the hair criticaster n. a minor or incompetent critic cultrivorous adj. devouring knives cultrivorous adj. devouring knives cunctator n. a procrastinator cuniculous adj. full of rabbits curglaff n. the shock felt on first plunging into cold water curglaff n. the shock felt on plunging into cold water curkle v. to cry like a quail cymotrichous adj. having wavy hair cynoclept n. one who steals dogs dactylconomy n. the art of counting on one’s fingers darg n. a day’s work dasypygal adj. having hairy buttocks deasil adj. clockwise debarb v. to deprive of a beard decemnovenarianize v. to act like a person of the 19th century decubation n. the action of lying down decubitus n. the manner or posture of lying in bed decumbiture n. the act of going to bed when sick dedolence n. absence of sorrow deiparous adj. giving birth to a god deipnosophy n. learned dinner conversation deliciate v. to delight oneself dentiloquy n. speech through gritted teeth deoppilate v. to remove obstructions desticate v. to squeak like a rat deuterogamist n. one who marries a second time devilshine n. demonic power or skill diamerdis n. a man who is covered in feces didascalic adj. pertaining to a teacher diffidation n. a severing of peaceful relations disbosom v. to reveal or confess discalced adj. without shoes dispope v. to depose from popedom dissave v. to spend more than one earns ditation n. enrichment diversivolent adj. desiring strife doctiloquent adj. speaking learnedly dodrantal adj. of nine inches in length dolichoderous adj. long-necked dolichopodous adj. having long feet dolorifuge n. anything that drives away pain drogulus n. an entity whose presence is unverifiable because it has no physical effects drollic adj. of or pertaining to puppet shows dromaeognathous adj. having a palate like an emu dysania n. difficulty getting out of bed in the morning dyscallignia n. the dislike of beautiful women eccedentesiast n. one who fakes a smile ecdemolagnia n. lustfulness when one is away from home ecdemomania n. abnormal compulsion for wandering eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious adj. very good effigiate v. to represent by a picture or sculpture egrote v. to feign sickness in order to avoid work elephantocetomachia n. a fight between an elephant and a whale elozable adj. amenable to flattery emacity n. the urge to spend money empleomaniac n. one who is overly eager to hold public office engastration n. the act of stuffing one bird into another epalpebrate adj. lacking eyebrows epeolatry n. the worship of words epicaricacy n. taking pleasure in others’ misfortune epigamic adj. attracting the opposite sex epopoean adj. befitting an epic poet equitation n. the art of horseback riding ereyesterday adv. on the day before yesterday eriff n. a two-year-old canary estival adj. of, like or pertaining to summer euphuistic adj. using high-flown and affected language evancalous adj. pleasant to embrace expergefaction n. waking up exsibilation n. the action of hissing off the stage exulant adj. living in exile exungulate v. to pare the nails eyeservice n. work done only while the boss is looking fastuous adj. haughty, arrogant, pretentious, or showy febrifacient adj. producing fever felicificability n. capacity for happiness feriation n. the act of observing a holiday filipendulous adj. hanging by a thread finitor n. the horizon flavescent adj. turning pale yellow flavicomous adj. having yellow hair fleer v. to smile contemptuously flimp v. to rob (someone) while a partner hustles floccify v. to consider worthless floccipend v. to regard as insignificant or of no account floricomous adj. having the head adorned with flowers forwallowed adj. wearied with tossing about frantling n. the noise made by peacocks fress v. to eat often or in large quantities frustraneous adj. useless; unprofitable fubsy adj. somewhat fat and squat funipendulous adj. hanging from a rope fustigate v. to strike with a cudgel fysigunkus n. one who lacks curiosity galericulate adj. covered by a hat gambrinous adj. full of beer gammerstang n. a tall, awkward person, usually a woman gamomania n. an urge to make extravagant wedding proposals gargalesis n. forceful tickling gastrosoph n. an expert or skilled eater gelogenic adj. producing laughter geloscopy n. the divination of one’s character by the manner of his laughter genethliac adj. relating to a birthday or to the casting of horoscopes glabella n. the space between the eyebrows goluptious adj. delicious; voluptuous gongoozler n. an idler who stares at activity on a canal grandinous adj. full of hail graocracy n. government by old women graphospasm n. writer’s cramp greenswardsmanship n. the cultivation of an unusually and enviably excellent lawn griff n. a person who is three-fourths black and one-fourth white griffonage n. careless handwriting groak v. to stare at a person longingly while he is eating growlery n. a retreat for times of ill humor gruntle v. to put in a good humor gundygut n. a voracious eater guttatim adv. drop by drop gynophagite n. an eater of women gynotikolobomassophilia n. a proclivity for nibbling on women’s earlobes hadeharia n. constant use of the word “hell” halieutics n. a treatise on fish or the art of fishing haliography n. a description of the sea hallelujatic adj. containing hallelujahs happify v. to make happy hesternal adj. of yesterday hibernacle n. a winter home hibernal adj. of, pertaining to, or proper to winter hiemal adj. of or belonging to winter hindermate n. a companion who hinders; opposite of helpmate hipparchy n. rule or control of horses hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia n. fear of long words hodiernal adj. of or belonging to the present day horrisonous adj. uttering a terrible sound humicubation n. the act of lying on the ground hypnobate n. a sleepwalker hypselotimophobia n. fear of high prices hystricine adj. pertaining to porcupines iatrogenic adj. (of a medical disorder) caused by a doctor iatronudia n. a woman’s pretending to be ill in order to disrobe in front of a doctor ichthyarchy n. the domain or rule of fishes ignivomous adj. vomiting fire ignotism n. a mistake due to ignorance illachrymable adj. incapable of weeping illeist n. one who refers to oneself in the third person imberb adj. without a beard imbonity n. the reverse of goodness; unkindness imbriferous adj. bringing rain immerd v. to cover with excrement immiserization n. the act of making or becoming progressively more miserable imparlibidinous adj. pertaining to an unequal state of desire between two people impavid adj. fearless impenitible adj. incapable of repentance impluvious adj. wet with rain improcerous adj. not tall improficuous adj. unprofitable incogitant adj. that does not think increpation n. a chiding, reproof, or rebuke infandous adj. too horrible to mention ingram n. one who is ignorant inkle v. to attend a party to which one has not been invited inopious adj. lacking wealth or resources; needy inscient n. ignorant; lacking knowledge insulse adj. lacking wit or sense interamnian adj. lying between rivers interfector n. a death-bringing planet intergern v. to snarl back intermure v. to enclose between walls, to wall in interturb v. to disturb by interrupting inwit n. reason, intellect, understanding jehu n. a reckless driver jentacular adj. pertaining to breakfast jentation n. breakfast jeofail n. a lawyer’s mistake jerque v. to search for smuggled goods jubate adj. having a mane juise n. judgment; a judicial sentence; penalty juvencle n. a young girl juvenescent adj. becoming youthful kakopygian adj. having ugly buttocks kalokagathia n. a combination of the good and the beautiful in a person kalopsia n. the delusion that things are more beautiful than they are karoshi n. death from overwork kedogenous adj. produced by worry kerdomeletia n. an excessive desire for material wealth kidsman n. a trainer of young thieves knickknackatory n. a collection of knickknacks knipperdollin n. a fanatical idiot kumatage n. “A bright appearance in the horizon, under the sun or moon, arising from the reflected light of these bodies from the small rippling waves on the surface of the water” lachschlaganfall n. a condition in which a person falls unconscious due to violent laughter ladify v. to make a lady of someone lalochezia n. emotional relief gained by using indecent or vulgar language lambitive n. a medicine to be licked, such as a cough drop laquearian adj. armed with a noose lasslorn adj. forsaken by a lass latibulate v. to hide oneself in a corner latrate v. to bark like a dog latrocinate v. to engage in highway robbery lectual adj. confining to the bed (“a lectual disease”) leighster n. a female liar leint v. to add urine to ale to make it stronger leiotrichy n. straight-hairedness leptodactylous adj. having slender toes or fingers leptorrhine adj. having a long, narrow nose leptosome n. a thin, frail, or slender person lethologica n. the inability to remember a word lethonomia n. a propensity for forgetting names levament n. “the comfort which one hath of his wife” lexiphanic adj. using pretentious words librocubicularist n. one who reads in bed lingible adj. meant to be licked linguished adj. skilled in language lipwisdom n. wisdom in talk without practice lissotrichous adj. having smooth hair literose adj. pretentiously or affectedly literary logodaedalus n. an inventor of words and phrases logodaedaly n. cunning in words; “verbal legerdemain” logofascinated adj. fascinated by words logomach n. one who fights over words longanimity n. patient endurance of hardship lubberwort n. food that makes one idle and stupid, food of no nutritive value, junk food lucifugous adj. shunning light lucrifaction n. the process of becoming wealthy luctiferous adj. bringing sorrow, mournful, gloomy lucubrate v. to study at night lychnobite n. one who works at night and sleeps during the day macrobian adj. long-lived macrology n. much talk without substance macropicide n. a slayer of kangaroos macroscian adj. casting a long shadow macrotous adj. having large ears madefy v. to make wet mageira n. a woman’s sublimation of sexual desire through cooking magirology n. the art or science of cookery maledicent adj. given to evil-speaking; slanderous malison n. a curse mammothrept n. a spoiled child mancinism n. the condition of being left-handed mancipate v. to enslave manuductory adj. that leads by or as by the hand manzil n. the distance between two stopping places marabou n. a person who is five-eighths black and three-eighths white by descent maritorious adj. fond of one’s husband mariturient adj. eager to marry martext n. a blundering preacher mastigophorous adj. carrying a whip materteral adj. suggestive of an aunt matutolypea n. ill humor in the morning; “getting up on the wrong side of the bed” melanocomous adj. black-haired mendaciloquent adj. able to tell skilled or artful lies menticulture n. cultivation and improvement of the mind meretriculate v. to deceive in the manner of a prostitute meridiation n. a midday rest metoposcopy n. the art of judging character by the features micropsychy n. faint-heartedness minauderie n. a coquettish manner or air minimifidian n. a person who has the least possible faith in something mislive v. to lead a wicked life misocapnist n. one who hates the smell of tobacco smoke misodoctakleidist n. one who hates practicing the piano misologist n. one with a hatred of mental activity misopedia n. dislike of children misoxene n. a hater of strangers monomachy n. a duel moonglade n. the reflection of moonlight on a body of water morosoph n. a learned fool mulatto n. a person having one white and one black parent muliebrity n. the state of being a woman mulierose adj. fond of women mulomedic adj. relating to the medical care of mules mumpsimus n. a view stubbornly held even when shown to be wrong mundicidious adj. likely or able to destroy the world murcous adj. lacking a thumb murgeon n. a grimace mushfaker n. a repairer of umbrellas musophobist n. one who regards poetry with suspicious dislike mussitate v. to mutter under one’s breath mytacism n. excessive use of the letter M nake v. to make naked napiform adj. shaped like a turnip naufragous adj. causing shipwreck naufrague n. a shipwrecked person naupathia n. seasickness neanimorphism n. the quality of looking younger than one’s age nefandous adj. not to be spoken of, unmentionable nemophilist n. one who is fond of the forest nephalist n. a teetotaler nepotal adj. relating to a nephew nescience n. ignorance; lack of knowledge nihilarian n. a person with a meaningless job nikhedonia n. the pleasure of anticipating victory or success nitigram n. a second-rate epigram noctidial adj. lasting for or comprising a night and a day noctivagous adj. wandering at night noctuary n. an account of what happens during a particular night nocument n. harm, damage; evil nolition n. unwillingness noncurantist adj. marked by indifference nosocomial adj. (of an infection) acquired in a hospital novercal adj. like a stepmother noyade n. a mass execution by drowning nudiustertian adj. of the day before yesterday nullibiety n. the state of being nowhere nullipara n. a childless woman nychthemeron n. a period of 24 consecutive hours obambulate v. to wander aimlessly oblectation n. delight, pleasure, enjoyment oblivescence n. the process of forgetting obnubilate v. to cloud or obscure obolary adj. poor or impecunious obsolagnium n. waning sexual desire due to age obstaculous adj. of the nature of an obstacle obstringe v. to put under obligation obtenebrate v. to cast a shadow over obumbrate v. to overshadow oche n. the line behind which darts players must stand oligoglottism n. limited knowledge of languages olitory adj. produced in a kitchen garden ombibulous adj. drinking everything omnilegent adj. having read everything omphaloskepsis n. navel-gazing oniomania n. an uncontrollable desire to buy things onychophagy n. nail-biting onymous adj. not anonymous opiniaster n. one who obstinately holds to an opinion opitulate v. to help or aid oporopolist n. a fruit seller opsigamy n. marriage at an advanced age opsimath n. one who studies late in life opuscule n. a musical or literary work of small size oragious adj. stormy orgiophant n. one who presides over orgies oscitant adj. drowsy or inattentive ostreophagist n. an eater of oysters outwit n. the faculty of observing the world overmorrow adv. on the day after tomorrow overslaugh n. to pass over in favor of another oxter v. to support by the arm, walk arm in arm with; to take or carry under the arm; to embrace, put one’s arm around pandiculation n. the act of stretching oneself paneity n. the state of being bread paralian n. one who lives near the sea paraph n. a flourish after a signature paraskavedekatriaphobia n. fear of Friday the 13th parnel n. the mistress of a priest parviscient adj. knowing little; ignorant patible adj. capable of being endured patibulary adj. pertaining to the gallows patrizate v. to imitate one’s father pauciloquent adj. uttering few words peccable adj. liable to sin pedionomite n. an inhabitant of a plain, a dweller in a plain pensum n. a piece of schoolwork imposed as a punishment pentapopemptic n. one who has been divorced five times perendinate v. to put off until the day after tomorrow periclitate v. to endanger perioeci n. people who live at the same latitude but on opposite meridians, so that noon for one is midnight for the other periplus n. a circumnavigation, an epic journey, an odyssey periscii n. the inhabitants of the polar circles: so called because in summer their shadows revolve around them perissology n. needless abundance of words pernoctation n. the act of staying up all night perpension n. careful consideration perpession n. the endurance of suffering perpilocutionist n. one who expounds on a subject of which he has little knowledge petrichor n. pleasant smell accompanying the first rain after a dry spell pharology n. the study of lighthouses philalethist n. a lover of the truth philogyny n. love of women philologaster n. an incompetent philologist philonoist n. a lover of knowledge phobophobia n. fear of phobias picqueter n. one who arranges artificial flowers for a living pilcrow n. the paragraph sign pilliwinks n. an instrument of torture for crushing the fingers pinguitude n. fatness piscation n. fishing plagose adj. fond of flogging plenilune n. the full moon ploration n. weeping pluviose adj. rainy pogonotrophy n. the growing of a beard polyhistor n. a person of wide learning polysemant n. a word having more than one meaning porporate adj. clad in purple potvaliant adj. inclined to fight when drunk preantepenultimate adj. fourth from last pregustation n. the act of tasting before another pridian adj. of or relating to the previous day procation n. a marriage suit procellous adj. stormy procerity n. tallness propreantepenultimate adj. last but four psaphonic n. planning one’s rise to wealth and fame pseudery n. intellectual or social pretension or affectation; pseudo-intellectual speech, writing, debate, etc. psilosopher n. a superficial philosopher ptarmic n. that which causes sneezing ptochocracy n. government by the poor pyknic adj. short and fat quacksalver n. one who falsely pretends to knowledge of medicine quadragesimarian n. one who observes Lent quadrigamist n. one who has four wives quakebuttock n. a coward qualtagh n. the first person one meets after leaving the house quantulum n. a small amount or portion quercivorous adj. feeding on oak trees querimonious adj. full of complaints quinquiplicate v. to multiply by five quiritation n. a cry for help quisby n. an idler quisquilian adj. worthless, trivial recumbentibus n. a knockdown blow redamancy n. the act of loving in return remontado n. one who has left civilization and returned to the wilderness remugient adj. bellowing again resipiscence n. acknowledgment that one has been mistaken rhyparographer n. a painter of unpleasant or sordid subjects rixation n. a quarrel or argument rosarian n. a rose fancier; one interested or engaged in the cultivation of roses roscid adj. dewy ruelle n. the space between a bed and the wall ruricolous adj. living in the country or in fields rusticate v. to spend time in the country rutilant adj. shining; glowing ruddily sagittipotent adj. having great ability in archery salsipotent adj. ruling the salt seas sanguisugent adj. bloodsucking saulie n. a hired mourner at a funeral scacchic adj. pertaining to chess scalariform adj. resembling a ladder scarebabe n. a thing that frightens a baby sciapodous adj. “That resembles the Sciapodes; having very large feet.” scious adj. possessing knowledge scombroid adj. resembling a mackerel scoteography n. the art of writing in the dark scrannel adj. unmelodious scripturient adj. having a desire for writing or authorship scroop n. the rustle of silk sectile adj. capable of being cut easily with a knife seeksorrow n. one who contrives to give himself vexation semiopathy n. the tendency to read humorously inappropriate meanings into signs sesquialteral adj. half again as large sgiomlaireachd n. (Scottish Gaelic) the habit of dropping in at mealtimes shunamitism n. rejuvenation of an old man by a young woman shunpike n. a side road taken to avoid turnpike tolls or traffic sialoquent adj. spraying saliva when speaking sinapistic adj. consisting of mustard slockster n. one who entices away another’s servants smellfeast n. “one who is quick at finding and frequenting good tables”; a parasite snirtle v. to attempt to suppress one’s laughter snobographer n. one who describes or writes about snobs snoutband n. one who constantly contradicts his companions sophomania n. delusion that one is incredibly intelligent sottisier n. a list of written stupidities spaneria n. a scarcity of men spanghew v. to launch a frog or toad into the air spanogyny n. a scarcity of women spatchcock v. to insert into a text too hurriedly speustic adj. baked in haste sphalm n. an erroneous doctrine or tenet spoffish adj. fussy, officious spoffle v. to make oneself very busy over a matter of very little consequence sprezzatura n. the art of making a difficult task appear effortless squabash v. to crush, smash, defeat stillatitious adj. falling in drops stiricide n. the falling of icicles from a house stupex n. a stupid person subnivean adj. existing, living, or carried out underneath snow subvene v. to come to the aid of sufflaminate v. to put an obstacle in the way of; to obstruct suggillate v. to beat black and blue supellectile adj. of the nature of furniture supernaculum adv. to the last drop swasivious adj. agreeably persuasive swedge v. to leave without paying one’s bill syrtic adj. pertaining to quicksand tacenda n. things to be passed over in silence tauromachy n. the art of bullfighting tecnolatry n. worship or idolization of children tegestologist n. a collector of beer mats temulence n. drunkenness tenebrific adj. producing darkness theic n. one addicted to immoderate tea-drinking thersitical adj. abusive, foul-mouthed, reviling threpterophilia n. love of female nurses tomomania n. irrational predilection for performing surgery tonitruation n. thundering transpicuous adj. transparent transpontine adj. across a bridge treen adj. made of wood typhlophile n. a helper of the blind ucalegon n. a neighbor whose house is on fire ughten n. the part of the night immediately before daybreak uglyography n. bad handwriting; poor spelling ugsome adj. horrid or loathsome ultracrepidarian adj. one who gives opinions and advice on topics beyond his knowledge ultracrepidate v. to criticize beyond sphere of one’s knowledge ultramontane adj. one who lives beyond mountains umbratile adj. pertaining to the shade unasinous adj. equally stupid unbe v. to cause not to be undoctor v. to make unlike a doctor, to degrade a doctor unlove v. to cease to love unnun v. to strip a nun of her position or character uzzard n. a third-generation bastard vaccimulgence n. the milking of cows vagitus n. a newborn child’s cry vecke n. an old woman ventripotent adj. having a large belly verbunkos n. a dance performed to persuade people to enlist in the Hungarian army vernalagnia adj. heightened sexual desire in the springtime vespertilionize v. to turn into a bat vespiary n. a nest of wasps vespine adj. pertaining to wasps viaticum n. money or necessities for a journey vicambulate v. to walk about in the streets viduity n. the state of being a widow vitilitigate v. to be particularly quarrelsome vivisepulture n. burial alive weequashing n. the spearing of fish or eels by torchlight from canoes whelve v. to cover with an inverted bowl whiskerine n. beard-growing contest windbroach n. an inferior fiddler windlestraw n. a tall, thin person wittol n. a man who knows of and tolerates his wife’s infidelity xanthocomic adj. yellow-haired xanthodont n. having yellow teeth xenium n. a gift given to a guest xenodocheionology n. love of hotels xenodochial adj. friendly to strangers xenodochiophobia n. fear of (or worry about) hotels xenoiatrophobia n. fear of having to cope with a foreign doctor xenokleptophobia n. fear of foreign pickpockets xenonosocomiophobia n. fear of finding yourself in a foreign hospital yestern adj. of yesterday yesternight adv. last night yesternoon n. yesterday at noon yestreen n. yesterday evening youward adv. toward you zenzizenzizenzic n. a number raised to the eighth power zumbooruk n. a small cannon fired from the back of a camel